Forests have disappeared, millions of trees are being cut every day. Just now scientists are giving warnings - but nobody is ready to listen - that if all trees disappear from the earth, man cannot live. We are in a deep inter-exchange. Man goes on breathing in oxygen, and throwing out carbon dioxide; trees go on inhaling carbon dioxide and exhaling oxygen. Neither you can exist without the trees, nor can the trees exist without you.
This is a simple example; otherwise life is interwoven in a thousand and one ways...
Because many trees have disappeared, so much carbon dioxide has gathered in the atmosphere, that it has raised the temperature on the whole earth by four degrees. To you it may seem insignificant - four degrees - but it is not insignificant. By the end of this century, this temperature will be enough to melt so much ice that every ocean will rise four feet higher. One degree of temperature more means the ocean rises one foot higher.
So the cities which are on the coast of the oceans - and all the great cities are there - will be flooded with water. If the temperature goes on increasing, as is the possibility, because nobody is listening...
Trees are being cut, without any understanding, for useless things; for third rate newspapers you need newsprint, and you are destroying life. ~ Osho - Book: The Golden Future,