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Close the eyes and believe, the world is beautiful,

It is created by God.

Walk with trust with closed eyes.

His mercy will never let you fall.

If you step the dirts,

He will provide you water too, to clean the mess.

If you bounce the step,

He will hold your hand too, to balance you.

If he gives you tears,

He will give you smile too, to balance the emotions.

The existence is our teacher, our god.

He is teaching us to balance the life he gave us.

Every moment he is firing us,

And the same moment he is healing us too.

Just if we can feel his presence, he is all time with us.

As a guardian to protect,

As a leader for a motive,

As a friend to accompany,

As a follower to cheer up,

Etc etc etc....

Just we need to feel his presence in us, in our surrounding, everywhere.

He is blessing us always,

Just we need to believe him, his plans for us.

Just we need to accept the present he gives us.

Everything is his gift to us,

So everything here is precious,

Just we need to feel godliness in all his creations.

We are here to learn.

He gives life,

So we can gain the knowledge through pains, sorrows, joys, happiness, journeys.

He is giving us shape where we can be with him,

Just we need to believe this is real, he is real, we are real.

Even in the deathbed,

He will test us.

Just we need to be prepared each moment,

Death is certain every moment,

Just we don't know when it will happen.

He gives us life to test how we face our death.

This life is all a preparation for how we face the death,

Which is the only certain in this world.

Just we need to believe he has the best plan for us in his creation. 


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